Get ready for the weekend!
In this post the WEEKENDVIBES are guaranteed. Because we start the weekend with delicious cocktails.

Our secret weapon is the gin from KRATER SPIRITS. The gin comes from our home Nördlinger Ries and is full of noble ingredients such as rhubarb root, pear, lemon peel and wild Bavarian juniper berries. You can drink the KRATER NOSTER naturally mixed, refined or pure. For those who are not quite so brave and want to drink the vol. 46.9% gin pure, now come three of our favorite cocktail recipes.
Classic gin tonic
- Ice cube
- 250 ml tonic water
- 4-6 cl gin
- Rosemary, lemon or cucumber
The best comes at the end? Not here: We start with the gin and pour 4 cl into a long drink glass with ice cubes. Then fill up with tonic water according to taste and decorate with rosemary, lemon or cucumber. Last and most important step: enjoy.
rhubarb krater noster
5 cl gin
2 cl rhubarb syrup
2-3 drops of beet
tonic water
1 sprig rosemary
Lemon zest
1 cardamom pod
The mixture does it!
In this case, the combination of rhubarb and gin. The 2-3 drops of beet provide a nice pink color, after all “the eye drinks with”. Rosemary, lemon zest and cardamom give the cocktail the special touch.

herbal home
6cl gin
2cl sugar syrup
3cl lemon juice
1 handful basil
1 slice of cucumber
You can also find this drink in our menu. Almost like Green Juice – okay, maybe not quite, but the color is right.
Muddle the basil along with the sugar syrup and lemon juice with a pestle. Then pour the gin on top, add some ice cubes and then it’s SHAKEN time. Before drinking, strain the cocktail and pour it into a glass with fresh ice. Add the cucumber and voilĂ !
Too lazy?
We will be happy to mix your favorite cocktail in our restaurant.